antimicrobial &
odour control
Devan® BI-OME AM is a permanent, odour control technology which guarantees an optimal freshness and hygiene for all kinds of textiles, from socks & underwear to mattresses & pillows and even carpets & curtains.

How it works
1. Microorganisms are attracted by the fabric coating.
2. Once in contact with the coating, their cell membrane is punctured.
3. This deactivates the microorganism, preventing growth and proliferation.

Not silver based
BI-OME AM is different from silver based products because:
- Silver is a antimicrobial product that migrates, also to the environment.
- Silver acts by strongly binding to critical biological molecules, like proteins, DNA and RNA and disrupting their functions.
- Silver can disrupt the recycling of fabrics (the product remains in the fabric).
Safety profile
- No migration to the skin, nor the environment
- Excellent skin tolerance (OECD 406, HRIPT)
- Free of heavy metals, silver, TBT, formaldehyde, triclosan, arsenic
- Non toxic to waste water bacteria (activated sludge)
- Biodegradable (OECD 209/302B)
- BPR and EPA registered
- Prevents odour formation
- Durable, broad spectrum of activity agains micro-organisms
- Functionality remains for the product lifetime
- No migration to the skin, nor environment
- Outstanding safety & registration profile
- Unique cross-border support package
- Multiple application methods
- High wash durability