Purissimo NTL is a 97% biobased allergen control technology that cleans up pet dander, pollen and dust mite allergens in textiles throughout the home. The technology is based on encapsulated probiotics, which are natural microorganisms similar in kind to those you can find in food like yoghurt and cheese.
As the probiotics consume the allergens, exposure in the environment is gradually reduced below the threshold levels. Therefore, individuals with respiratory allergies will be exposed to fewer ‘attacks’ and perceive a better well-being.

1. Firstly, dormant probiotic bacteria (spores) are encapsulated. The microcapsule product is then integrated into textiles.
2. Friction opens the capsules and releases the spores.
3. The spores absorb humidity, self-activate and start to multiply.
4. The probiotic bacteria start to consume the allergens that cause allergic reactions and asthma.
5. Due to lower allergen concentration, individuals with respiratory allergies such as house dust mite matter, pet allergens and pollen allergens will have milder to no symptoms and hence a better well-being feeling.
The shell of the microcapsules is purely based on natural ingredients.
The capsules are up to 97% biobased and
readily biodegradable (OECD 301B).
The probiotics range and mechanism of
release has not been changed.

- Gradual release
- Readily biodegradable (OECD 301B)
- Biobased carbon content is +97% ( ASTM D6866-20)
- Dermatologically tested, safe for skin
- Easy application
- Wash-durable up to 30 washes
- Patented technology
- Natural technology: probiotics use allergens as a food source